Home Produced Hair Treatments.

Using healthy & inexpensive home made treatments diminish the amount of artificial ingredients your hairs come into contact with. A verity of common kitchen products that can be used to boost the hair potency & shine includes strawberries, bananas, honey, olive/almond/coconut oil, lemon juice, baking soda, eggs & plain yogurt.

Fizzy hair can be tamed with a small application of coconut oil & a dry rinse with baking soda can rid hair of hair product residue. To moisturize & smooth hair, apply a combination of honey, egg yolk almond oil & yogurt. For extra deep conditioning use a mixture of egg yolk and castor oil. Rinsing with lemon juice or diluted apple cider vinegar can increase shine.

To treat Dandruff either applies water or vinegar mix directly to scalp or massage the scalp with a mixture of olive oil & almond oil.

To naturally Treat Head Lice, thoroughly coat the hair and scalp with mayonnaise or olive oil & leave in place over night in order to smoother the lice. The next day, shampoo the mixture out and rinse the hair well either 50/50 mixture or vinegar and warm water, this rinse will loosen the nits hold on the hair shaft and make it easier for a fine-toothed nit comb to remove all nits.

While one person’s hair may react beautifully with mayonnaise Conditioner another person’s may not. Therefore it’s always best to begin with home made hair treatment with simple 1 or 2 ingredients mixture. Done this way it will be much easier to pinpoint exactly what works best for your hairs.

Generally, any ingredients that are safe to consume are safe to apply to hair. However never use a food that you are either allergic to or have a sensitivity to. For instance don’t use almond oil mixture if you have sensitivity to nuts. In addition its not wise to use any ingredient on your hair in extremely large amount until you have experimented with the ingredients in smaller application.